You Don't Know What You've Got Till It's Gone

Yes that is right, the email is dead and over, after today, but we are still going strong and providing some weird daily sensations here on the blog. Me and my friend Dave Bradshaw are going to run this blog, but anyone who wants to comment or has something awesome to post is more than welcome. Dave is also gonna post videos and pictures as we are trying to make as much money off this as possible and get some sponsors. As of now the only interested parties are: The Power Bracelet, Smokers Ally, and the Shake Weight. We are also talking potentially to Extenze, The makers of the Chia Pet, Pepsi is actually in talks with us to advertise the return of Crystal (clear) Pepsi and............ McDonald's has contacted us, except we are only going to advertise their newest sandwich, The McLard (its a fried patty of lard topped with ten strips of bacon and 8 slices of cheese and I hear its supposed to be awesome and compete with the baconator).
I never thought i would be participating in a blog, I actually went to my mom's basement to write this just so i could be in an appropriate setting for blog writing. But the blog was necessary, because it was brought to my attention that my emails were a little on the pretentious and presumptuous side. I know that a lot of people on the email list weren't loving the emails, as I come off as a superficial dick head, thats hates everything, and really thinks the world of himself. And i think we all know that that simply isn't.............well.......... I guess that is pretty accurate, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't read my blog. I mean look guys my style is that over the top in your face i am awesome and you guys suck style, that is not how I really feel at all, c'mon you guys know i don't think like that. I dont think you guys suck, i know it, and i don't think I am awesome I know I am the single greatest person/blogger on the planet/blogosphere. Blogging is all about increasing ones self importance by flaunting their ideas and thoughts above and beyond the normal channels of communication, and that couldn't be more up my alley, i mean it's like blogging was created particularly for me.
A quick final thought for today, If I am being awesome standing in a forest and no one is around to see how awesome I am, am I still awesome.....or just great? Simmer on that for a little bit.

PS: not to piss anyone off but todays post is dedicated to one Mr. Joshua Zeidman of the Chosen One's Clan. (If you ever become a fighter can your nickname be the "Chosen One") For opening my eyes to reality, and informing me that I come off as a bit of a presumptuous and pretentious dick head in my emails, thank you sir!!!

Double PS: why won't this blog shit automatically correct my lower case i's, fuck it, it gives the post character.

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