The temporary abdication of Napoleon...

So Garett (Napoleon) is out sick today... he stubbed his toe or has the sniffles who knows. But in light of his absence... I am calling out for someone to fill in for him. I know that seems daunting and slightly overwhelming... but I have faith in our readers. Please email me your rant, photo, video, randomness. 

I know the lore of becoming famous by your posting being published to our thousands* of followers is enough motivation for you to search the internet feverishly or write a 1000 word essay on things that irk you; but we are throwing in a prize for the best submission of the day. As you can clearly see, we have very high standards, and only the best will win... so hurry  up and do Garett's job.

*follower numbers an estimation based on how cool Garett thinks he is, thus thinking the entire population or Rhode Island plus his parents, my parents, and your parents SHOULD follow the blog. Not an indication of how many people are actually following.

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